You are now on my old blog. Please update your bookmarks to my new blog

20 December 2006

The newversion of blogger is ready... and it is no longer a beta release!

I have tried to switch to beta for 3 monthes :
blogger beta nightmare and lost all my post for half a day.

Blogger support restored the original Blogger and I recovered my posts late in the evening.

Today I noticed the new blogger is now released (the beta is dead!).

I switched to the new blogger and it works fine! About 10 minutes downtime for my blog with hundreds of posts



Blogger Laurent Schneider said...

and it is much faster to publish! much much faster

20/12/06 12:44  
Blogger The Human Fly said...

You are lucky buddy.
I tried many times to switch my blog, they simply say, try next time. I am waiting for my turn to come.


24/12/06 08:10  

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