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22 October 2006

not enough time to do all

I updated my calendar for Oracle Open World. By rechecking the location, I figured out I did book to much. Unfortunately, I will not be able to go to steven feuerstein session S281918 on monday, because it starts at the same time as tom session ends.

I had a difficult choice for tuesday :
- S281213 (now full) Developing a Successful Database Backup and Recovery Strategy: Customer Experiences with Jonathan Intner, oracle specialist at Novartis
- S283505 Battle-Tested Best Practices for Provisioning, Managing, and Monitoring Oracle Real Application Clusters Environments with Arup Nanda, Oracle Ace
- S283870 Flexframe for Oracle: Adaptive Infrastructure Solution for Oracle Database and Oracle Application Server 10g

I chose the third one, because I am managing a workshop with RAC on Egenera BladeFrame one week later in Zürich, so it will be very useful material.

I also managed to add three expert sessions at the otn lounge to my schedule :

Steven Feuerstein, Arup Nanda and Tom Kyte with APC


Blogger Vidya Balasubramanian said...

Thats great that you could get there !!! I suppose we will here on session updates from those
who could attend the event soon.
your insight on session S283870 will be great to know.

23/10/06 17:36  
Blogger Laurent Schneider said...

well, I need to reschedule, I will go to the Egenera BladeFrame Session, not to the Fujitsi FlexFrame session. BladeFrame is a hardware+software solution from Egenera, distributed by Fujitsu in Europe. FlexFrame is a software solution produced by Fujitsu.

24/10/06 12:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Laurent,

Thanks for posting.

Do you know if some of those Presentations you attended or plan to attend are provided somewhere to be downloaded by the Public ?

Thanks and much Fun at OOW 2006.



24/10/06 21:25  
Blogger Laurent Schneider said...

all of the paper should be available for download

25/10/06 21:10  

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