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20 September 2005


I had a nice monday. In the morning, after Oracle President and Intel Presentation I attend Steven Feuerstein session. Very Interresting indeed. I just realised I know nothing about PLSQL. Later in the afternoon, I had a few chessgames and reversi with Steven. Thanks god, I am better at chess than at plsql ;-)

I also meet Justin from OTN. I meet Mark from OTN, we had a deep talk about the feedback forum, I told him that my correction on OTN document feedback have been forwarded but never corrected and he is going to do something about that... good!

On otn night I meet APC and John. We had a few beers, or redwine :-)...

I participated to the DBA hot seat competition and I have totally humiliated to fail at the second question... I really needed a few more "pizzas" for consolation and I have a very strong headache this morning :-(

Ok, let's go to God, I have Tom Kyte session this morning :-))))


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a few chessgames and reversi with Steven

Was that you and Steve in this picture?

21/9/05 19:03  
Blogger Peter K said...

I participated to the DBA hot seat competition and I have totally humiliated to fail at the second question... I really needed a few more "pizzas" for consolation and I have a very strong headache this morning :-(

Don't worry about it. I've seen seasoned DBA flunked on the second questions and also non-DBA actually getting through and winning at last year's event.

BTW, looks like the spammers are at it again (re: michael wilson).

21/9/05 21:28  
Blogger Laurent Schneider said...

Thanks for the picture! yes it's me and bryn llewellyn watching the game. but steven took his revenge at pool yesterday!

22/9/05 20:59  

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