TO_CHAR(..., 'D')
How do I get than MONDAY=1, TUESDAY=2, WEDNESDAY=3 ... ?
With to_char()
alter session set nls_territory=germany;
select to_char(sysdate,'DAY D') from dual;
With decode()
select decode(to_char(sysdate, 'FMDAY', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=american'),'MONDAY', '1', 'TUESDAY', '2', '...')) from dual;
With mod()
As a reference, I take monday Jan 1st, 1000.
select mod(trunc(sysdate)-date '1000-01-01',7)+1 from dual;
How do I trunc date to current monday?
trunc(date, 'D') or here is with my solution with 1000-01-01:
select trunc((sysdate-date '1000-01-01')/7)*7+date '1000-01-01' from dual;
thanks to jan-marcel idea, I found that one
trunc(date,'IW') for current monday and date-trunc(date,'IW')+1 for day number
With to_char()
alter session set nls_territory=germany;
select to_char(sysdate,'DAY D') from dual;
With decode()
select decode(to_char(sysdate, 'FMDAY', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=american'),'MONDAY', '1', 'TUESDAY', '2', '...')) from dual;
With mod()
As a reference, I take monday Jan 1st, 1000.
select mod(trunc(sysdate)-date '1000-01-01',7)+1 from dual;
How do I trunc date to current monday?
trunc(date, 'D') or here is with my solution with 1000-01-01:
select trunc((sysdate-date '1000-01-01')/7)*7+date '1000-01-01' from dual;
thanks to jan-marcel idea, I found that one
trunc(date,'IW') for current monday and date-trunc(date,'IW')+1 for day number