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17 November 2006

backup your blog!

You surely have not missed the "Amazing November 2006 Blog Catastrophe" of Mark Rittman.

I use blogger and by typing "backup blogger" in google, I found : answer=41447

It let you change the formatting of your blog to have all your posts (max 999) and all your comments in one page. If you do not have your own ISP but use, then it will replace your blog by this not-fancy page. But just for the time to save it on your local disk and then you restore your template. Surely less than 5 minutes , unless you surf with a 100 bps or 480 bps underwater accoustic modem like this one :

I have now a dump of my blog. The size of the html file is 440k right now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you use Blogger Beta you might give a try to my tool.

19/11/06 13:12  
Blogger Laurent Schneider said...

thanks, I bookmarked your page, and will come back as soon as I switch to the new blogger !

19/11/06 17:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You should try the BlogBackupOnline app from Techrigy. It's free while in beta and it works great to backup, restore, and manage your blogs.

Check it out at

18/4/07 20:12  
Blogger giordano bruno said...

blogbak worked BUT its now in some foreign language only

whats required
1: date range backup
2: backup to 1st or second level
3: backup images. - its not My blog that gets lost, its the stuff I linhk to...

I hope bcv2-lit does this - its 23Meg and downloading now...

30/11/07 03:55  

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